Preventing Sports Injuries

None of us need to be told that physical activity is good for us, immediately and long-term. However, whether it is sports or a visit to the gym or a brisk walk around the neighborhood, moving our bodies sometimes results in injury. To avoid such injuries, remember these suggestions:

  • Don't exercise or play when you're already injured until you've seen your doctor. The old adage about playing through pain is not good advice. Your body needs time to heal from an injury or you risk re-injury and a longer recuperation.
  • Don't push your body too hard. Getting enough rest is important. Those muscles and joints need a break after strenuous activity. If you're exhausted, so are they. Many sports injuries occur after several days of hard play.
  • Exercise different muscle groups. If you run one day, do some free weight lifting the next day. By giving all your muscles regular workouts, you develop whole body strength.
  • Warm up and cool down. Warm up for your warm up. Research studies have shown that the traditional static stretches can actually rob muscles of their strength. Take a slow jog or brisk walk for a few minutes, then mix static and dynamic stretches. After exercising, stretch again.
  • Wear proper safety gear if recommended.