Could You Have Alzheimer's Disease?

Worrying about Alzheimer's is something more and more of us are doing.  Age-related cognitive decline happens to most of us: As we get older, we might forget why we went into the kitchen or the name of a character in a movie. That's normal. Some of us might do that more than others, but typically, that's about as far as our forgetfulness goes. Here are some basics about Alzheimer's and dementia to consider:

  • Alzheimer's affects short-term memory most dramatically. Asking the same question over and over again is a hallmark of that loss of function.
  • Brain scans might show some physical changes indicative of Alzheimer's, but cognitive tests are the only way to objectively measure functional changes.
  • Memory loss is often accompanied by a loss of executive function: the ability to plan a task and then complete it. Losing the ability to call things by their names is another indicator.
  • Changes in personality also emerge. Someone once very calm and steady may become irritable, sad, anxious, impulsive or apathetic.

What Else Might Cause Cognitive Impairment?

  • Medications, on their own or in combination, may produce dementia-like symptoms. These symptoms can appear suddenly or over time.
  • Thyroid imbalance, hypoglycemia, too much sodium or calcium, dehydration and nutritional deficiencies can also trigger changes in cognition and emotional state.
  • Brain tumors and bleeding between the brain and its lining can interfere with brain function; so can lack of oxygen to the brain, originating with heart and lung problems. Other health issues, including smoke or carbon inhalation or coma, can have an impact on brain function.

What Tests Can Help

  • Physical exam, including blood and organ function tests, along with a complete medical history, is helpful in ruling out a treatable medical condition.
  • MRI, CT and PET scans provide more detail; an EEG (electroencephalogram) tracks electrical activity in the brain through electrodes attached to the scalp. Spinal fluid may also be tested.
  • Neuropsychological and psychiatric evaluation complete the picture.