Molecular inversion probe assay for allelic quantitation. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) Ji, H., Welch, K. 2009; 556: 67-87


Molecular inversion probe (MIP) technology has been demonstrated to be a robust platform for large-scale dual genotyping and copy number analysis. Applications in human genomic and genetic studies include the possibility of running dual germline genotyping and combined copy number variation ascertainment. MIPs analyze large numbers of specific genetic target sequences in parallel, relying on interrogation of a barcode tag, rather than direct hybridization of genomic DNA to an array. The MIP approach does not replace, but is complementary to many of the copy number technologies being performed today. Some specific advantages of MIP technology include: less DNA required (37 ng vs. 250 ng), DNA quality less important, more dynamic range (amplifications detected up to copy number 60), allele-specific information "cleaner" (less SNP cross-talk/contamination), and quality of markers better (fewer individual MIPs versus SNPs needed to identify copy number changes). MIPs can be considered a candidate gene (targeted whole genome) approach and can find specific areas of interest that otherwise may be missed with other methods.

View details for DOI 10.1007/978-1-60327-192-9_6

View details for PubMedID 19488872