Spine Neurosurgery Comes to Rescue When Injury Threatens Spinal Cord


I was looking up and could see the sun through the water and I thought, 'This is it.'

-Matt Ryan, patient, Stanford Hospital & Clinics

For decades, Ryan has coached young athletes, using his knowledge of biomechanics and athletic training to make sure they do well without injury.

Ryan, a lifelong athlete who'd competed two Ironman competitions, is still physically active golfing, swimming and cycling. Now, he's added martial arts to a routine that keeps him active without stress on his spine.

The spine is a joint and when you're treating a joint, you have to be careful. It's not like a liver or an appendix.

-Jon Park, MD, Director, Stanford Hospital Comprehensive Spine Neurosurgery

Ryan, a physical therapist, is back at his job with no signs of the injury that nearly took his life or the surgery that saved it.
