Speaking up to Save a Voice: New Surgery Creates a Vocal Platform


I had no idea that voice sparing was an option. I had no idea Dr. Damrose was one of the few in the U.S. with the ability and skill to do this surgery.

-Jerry Young, patient at Stanford Hospital & Clinics

Edward Damrose, MD, Director of Stanford's Voice and Swallowing Clinic, checks up on Jerry Young with a gentle touch. Damrose used a partial laryngectomy to remove Young's cancer but save his natural voice.

Jerry Young, a retired engineer, is fully recovered from his larynx cancer surgery, with plenty of energy to get back into his home workshop, in full voice.

Once you look at what you've got, it becomes very intuitive as to why it works and works so well. I'd like to see it more routinely offered, to preserve more larynxes.

-Edward Damrose, MD, Director of Stanford Hospital & Clinics Voice and Swallowing Clinic

I realize how lucky I am, lucky that the cancer was found early and lucky to have found Dr. Damrose.

-Jerry Young, patient at Stanford Hospital & Clinics

Jerry Young worked to build strength in his voice after his surgery. He jokes that his wife, Kersten (left), likes his new, lower volume voice because he can't yell at her any more. The two are active grandparents who love to travel.
