Reversing Anatomy Remakes Shoulders


Carol Driesen wanted to make sure her second shoulder replacement would be done right. Even at 76, she was still active, a busy woman who often baby-sat her toddler granddaughter. 

I really wanted to make sure that this time it would be done right.

- Carol Driesen, patient, Stanford Hospital & Clinics

Driesen's surgeon, John Costouros, did a fellowship in Switzerland with one of the world's foremost experts in reverse shoulder procedure. By the time Driesen came to see Costouros at Stanford, he had completed more than 300 reverse shoulder surgeries. 

In the last 10 to 15 years, we've really seen an explosion in our understanding of the anatomy and biomechanics of the shoulder and of things that happen at the molecular level.

- John Costouros, MD, orthopaedic surgeon, Stanford Hospital & Clinics

Outcomes and longevity of shoulder implants today are far superior, enabling patients to obtain predictable pain relief and function that in past years was not possible.

-John Costouros, MD, orthopaedic surgeon, Stanford Hospital & Clinics