Orthopaedic Surgery at Stanford Restores Spine Altered By Scoliosis


Jerry Stark figures his back problems might have begun about 20 years ago when he lifted something "and I lifted it wrong," he said. Decades later, adult scoliosis had altered his spine into a twisted, bent version of its once-straight self, taking with it any semblance of a normal life.

Before the orthopaedic surgery that restored his spine to a more normal curvature, Stark lived with pain he counted as an 11 on a scale of 1 to 10. Now, he can stand straight enough to look himself in the mirror again.

I kept thinking, 'You can exist this way. It's not going to get worse.' Then you look in the mirror and it is worse. And you know you have to do something about it.

-Jerry Stark, patient, Stanford Hospital & Clinics

With these minimally invasive techniques, where we can achieve the same amount of correction, we can minimize the amount of blood loss and the amount of anesthesia - really enhances recovery.

-Ivan Cheng, MD, orthopaedic surgeon, Stanford Hospital & Clinics

With steady devotion to his post-surgical physical therapy and regular exercise, Stark has regained such mobility that those who meet him now have a hard time believing the degree of his previous disability, he says.

I'm so glad I did it. It's like a new life—and I feel good when I look in the mirror now.

-Jerry Stark, patient, Stanford Hospital & Clinics