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Treatment for Resistant Hypertension

Renal Denervation: An Innovative New Treatment for High Blood Pressure
Approximately 30% of people worldwide have high blood pressure. Uncontrolled high blood pressure can cause serious heart complications. Dr. David Lee, interventional cardiologist at Stanford Medicine, runs clinical trials that use renal denervation to reduce blood pressure. Overactive signals between the heart, brain, and kidneys can raise blood pressure. Renal denervation is a minimally invasive procedure to remove nerves from the renal artery, which leads to the kidneys. Removing these nerves reduces the excess signals to lower blood pressure. Listen to Dr. Lee explain more about this leading-edge new treatment. Learn more: Resistant Hypertension: Catheterization Angiography Laboratory David Lee, MD Interventional cardiologist Director of Cardiac Catheterization Laboratories Director of Interventional Cardiology Fellowship Program

We take a personalized approach to treat patients with severe or refractory hypertension, and evaluate them for potential secondary or reversible forms of high blood pressure.

Clinical Trials

Make An Appointment

To schedule an appointment with a cardiac specialist, call 650-723-6459. 

To schedule an appointment with a hypertension specialist, call 650-723-6961.

What Is Resistant Hypertension?